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Semantic SEO

what is the Semantic SEO?

The Semantic SEO és un concepte que ha sorgit gràcies a l’evolució dels motors de cerca i el comportament dels mateixos. Aquesta branca del seo es centra no només a respondre a una paraula clau específica, sinó també a utilitzar sinònims i termes relacionats que ajudin a identificar millor la intenció darrere del contingut i, així, adaptar-se millor a les necessitats de cerca dels usuaris.

This technique arose as a response to the need to reduce the density of keywords in texts, avoiding excessive repetition without losing sight of the essence of the content. It is a process that requires mastery of the language, correct contextualization and, of course, a thorough analysis of the keywords and searches performed by users when searching on Google and other search engines.

Google has been the main driver of this approach. The search engine has long prioritized other factors such as users' search histories, their location and other elements to provide the most relevant results for each type of query. Therefore, it is crucial that the contents use synonyms and semantically related terms to convey the desired context.

Little by little, this methodology has been established and today it is essential. master the Semantic SEO is one of the best ways to gain organic traffic from search engines.

What is the Semantic SEO

The Semantic SEO responds to Google's new requirements to position domains and pages in its search results rankings. This technique helps to better define the topic of the contents, which facilitates a more effective positioning in specific searches, with the direct effect of increasing the volume of visits, improving the reputation and strengthening the presence of a website.

In addition, the Semantic SEO it contributes to improving the quality of the content, avoiding problems arising from an excessive density of keywords. Search engines, such as Google, severely penalize this type of practice, so the Semantic SEO it is essential to maintain an effective and sustainable long-term strategy.

Examples of Semantic SEO

To illustrate the use of the Semantic SEO, we raise a hypothetical example at our marketing agency, Daimatics. Imagine we publish an article on our blog talking about mobile app building service. Using variations like “mobile apps”, “phone programs”, or even terms like “software” and “telephony” helps web searchers better understand the context of your post, which can improve your ranking in the search results.

These techniques can be applied to a wide variety of fields, creating an infinite number of different examples of Semantic SEO, adapted to each situation and specific need.

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