Spider Web

what is a Spider Web?

one Spider Web or web indexer is a bot that collects data and creates a record of it. They are used in various fields and for very varied tasks, but the most common use that is generally given is to enter a series of URLs that are in a list known as "seeds" .

The bot enters these pages one by one and keeps a record of each of them so that they can be visited later.

The pages collected by thespider web they are saved as you can see them when you navigate through them normally, but they are stored as "snapshots", as screenshots so that navigation can be faster. However, even though they are incredibly efficient, they need human help in order to deliver accurate results, as there are many things that can hinder the judgment of these bots.

Sometimes URLs that appear to be duplicates are actually different formats of the same site presented as individual links. That's why, yes one spider web detects a duplicate, it does not always mean that this is the case. Because of this, there must be a person who oversees the results of these little cyber helpers.

What is one for? Spider Web

This tool can be used by a webmaster to detect possible broken links and other problems within a website. They are also very efficient for, for example, registering the catalog of an online sales page and collecting price and product data to create comparisons and other useful records.

However, the most common use is to help searchers find new pages and register them in an index that allows faster searching. theSpider Web it is what allows Google to register each new site that is uploaded to the network and assign it a place in its results according to its pagerank algorithm.

examples ofSpider Web

The example par excellence of this technology is what Google uses to position websites in its results. Thanks to this simple, but efficient bot, the great search engine can register each new site, evaluate its value and assign it an appropriate place in the search results.

It works in a sequential manner. As it was said before, the spider visits all the sites provided by a list and they are saved in a record to then be submitted to the Google pagerank algorithm and thus be positioned appropriately.

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