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What is a Text Ad?

One text ad is an advertising format offered by Google Adsense and characterized by the absence of graphic elements. Only text is used to attract the attention of Internet users.

This implies that a very effective way of drawing attention with a highly commercial approach must be found. Keep in mind that these AdWords ads are generally handled at cost per impression, which means you get paid for each time you show.

You can opt for a CPC alternative, that is, cost per click, but the strength of this type of online advertising is actually to take advantage of the diffusion offered by the Google Display network. This account with more than 2 million websites where your ads will be displayed, which comprises a 90% of all internet users. All this makes one text ad be a great way to gain visibility for your product.

Of course, you also have to consider that the competition in this medium is great, so you need to carry out a very well-focused digital marketing strategy to capture the attention of users and be able to get leads. It can be a lot of work, but done right, you can get huge visibility from one text ad simple.

Sometimes, some companies opt for what is called "expanded texts", which makes it possible to offer a little more information to the user without leaving the advertising format in question. thetext ad it is the most popular alternative within the Google AdWords options and the basis of any SEM strategy.

What is Text Ad for?

thetext ad it is the typical use of every SEM strategy. It's about paying to get a privileged place among Google searches. By appearing as another result, it will be the first thing users see when searching for a related term.

By limiting yourself to just using text, it can seem a bit rigid.

Despite its regulations, thanks to its ability to provide information quickly and directly to users, it is an excellent way to direct them to specific sites on your website, increase sales percentages, leads and customer volume.

That is why you must be very clear about the strategy you will use when using these ads.

Examples of Advertising Texts

Just do a simple Google search to find examples of text ads. They are always the first results that will emerge and it is clarified above each that it is an advertisement.

But if you want a clearer view, you can visit this article Google on this topic.

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