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Concept of Marketing Environment

What is Ambient Marketing?

theMarketing environment it is another form of so-called guerrilla marketing. It is about taking elements of daily life and modifying them without changing their location or their utility to promote a certain product. It is a very innovative strategy that can attract attention and that differs from the well-known street marketing by some small concepts that are fundamental when understanding this type of advertising.

While street marketing bursts into public streets in a striking way and modifies the space around it, Ambien Marketing simply makes small modifications to objects that were already in public space. Its function and form are practically not changed, but the shape of the object is taken advantage of to adapt an ingenious image with a phrase that remains engraved in the minds of passers-by.

What is the Marketing Environment for?

A street marketing strategy can be an expensive option when you start seeing the need to put up big posters, put up LED lights or buy huge advertising screens. It is probably the most option face to time to advertise. In contrast, an Ambient Marketing campaign hardly requires investment.

Not only will you save money, but this type of sensory marketing will give you great originality and creativity. Done right, it will be far more effective at building brand awareness than any other advertising method. Let's remember that times have changed, new generations are not surprised by simple things, you have to know where to hit, and in this, Ambien Marketing is right, as it allows you to show your brand in incredible ways.

Examples of Marketing Environment

To know real examples ofMarketing environment, the best thing is to go outside and see how the ingenuity and creativity shines in all its splendor.

Subway platforms that turn into temporary ski resorts, benches in parks that dress up in chocolate wrappers, canopies that look like toilet paper rolls... it's all at the service of the imagination, and using it in the right way can create truly impactful brand awareness.

Daimatics.agency it can change the way you perceive advertising.

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