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What is Conversion?

Conversion is a term that has a multitude of meanings; however, when we reduce the spectrum to that of digital marketing, it is a process through which a user takes an action that a company wants to be carried out and causes through different initiatives. It can be a visit to a specific page, a purchase, a message or thousands of other possibilities.

This is especially important in the online field, since it is usually the goal or rather the consequence of an entire strategy launched through the Internet. Companies usually make all kinds of moves in social networks, natural positioning or through promotions with advertising formats in order to achieve this conversion that results in the key action they are pursuing.

One of the crucial elements of all digital marketing and one of the basic concepts of this sector. It is usually the element that turns any user into a potential customer or lead, and even an end customer who opts to make a purchase or contract.

To achieve the conversion, it is important to carry out an appropriate marketing strategy that takes into account several key factors. The usual thing is to establish a series of primary objectives, then define the conversions you want to achieve, measure those that have been previously achieved and, of course, perform a general optimization to increase them in the face of the new initiative .

What is Conversion for?

The purpose of the conversion is to achieve a goal previously set by the campaigning company. It is this intermediate step between presentation and achievement, the action taken by the user to stop being a visitor to be just what the firm wants it to be as part of its marketing strategy.

Conversion Examples

We can take hundreds of different conversion examples today. An email marketing campaign conducted, for example, by Daimatics in order to bring registered readers to their contact form would have as a conversion this step in which the reader accesses this website through the button or mechanism provided through the email sent.

There are more possibilities, such as moving directly from reading to hiring or even the dissemination of specific content through a button to post on social media. Conversions have all sorts of different manifestations on the web, all of which depend on the intentions behind the campaigns that are launched.

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